Residential Plumbing Services
Residential is normally meant as houses such as terrace houses, bungalows, semi-detached houses, duplex, individual apartment and condominium units. Water is supplied is via a systems using conduits and pipes to each and every homes. From the water supply meter into the house owner’s land, the owner is responsible to ensure that the plumbing system is well maintained.
Failing to maintain the pipes and the system in the household can lead to uncomfortable situation where cases as blockages, leakages, water dripping and others. One of the ways to detect that there is problem in your plumbing system is by observing an abnormal high billing in the water supply for the house owner.
As we use water. The joints might be loosened up due to daily usage and their washer might be exhausted. When water draining down the drain pipe we do not realise that impurities, hair, sebum soap, oil and etc. is flowing together down the drain which may block the passage of the pipe or the water trapped not functioning well.
Wash closet might be faulty as water could not flush properly. As time passes by the pipe might be easily broken.
Your water filter, water heater or washing machine basin piping not fixed properly or not functioning properly. Hence it is important to rely on a professional plumber to provide you with your plumbing needs.
In the comfort of our homes we are never free from unexpected problems or emergency. In the case of emergency, if you are facing any urgent repair works that cannot wait or in need of emergency plumbing get a professional plumber to do it.
We offer residential plumbing services. These include the following:
- Plumbing repair works
- Kitchen plumbing
- Toilet plumbing
- PVC plumbing
- Faucet plumbing
- Washing machine plumbing
- Drain pipe plumbing
- Water heater plumbing
- Dishwasher plumbing
We are efficient, reliable, do most of our residential plumbing services in Kuala Lumpur, Klang Valley, Selangor and areas within Malaysia.
"Affordable Plumbing Works from RM45, 100% money back satisfaction guarantee"
Call for a no obligation quotation now
General Pipe Plumbing | from RM 45 |
Toilet Plumbing | from RM 50 |
Residential Plumbing Installation | from RM 50 |
Wash Water Tank | from RM200 |